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Buku Referensi
- Principles Cultivar Development Klik…
- How to Write a Better Thesis Klik…
- How to Write a Thesis Klik…
- Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics Klik…
- Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches Klik…
- Research Methodology The Aims, Practices and Ethics of Science Klik…
- Fundamental Of Rice Crop Science Klik…
- Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering Klik…
- Food Hazard Detection Klik…
- Potential Productivity of Fields Crop Under Differents Invironment Klik…
- Rice Nutrients Disorders & Nutrients Managements Klik…
- Wild Crop Relative Books Klik…
- Using R for Introductory Statistics Klik…
- Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding Klik…
- Plant Genetics and Molecular Breeding Klik…
- Plant Biotechprinciples Techniques and Applications Klik…
- Plant Breeding Classical to Modern Klik…
- Plant Breeding Klik…
- An Introduction to Plant Taxonomy Klik…
- Introduction to Botany Klik…
- Principles of Tropical Agronomy Klik…
- Agronomy Handbook Klik…